Monday, January 23, 2017

When the wait changes...

It was a little over a week ago, on a Friday, when I got a phone call.

We knew that an expectant mom (EM) was looking at our profile on Tuesday of that week, and we were just waiting (lots of waiting) to hear back about what she decided. The wait to hear back about a EM's decision is always the hardest part, but if I've learned anything about God during these days of waiting over the course of the past 4 months, it's that He always uses this time very intentionally.

During that week, I started doing a bible study on the book Uninvited by Lisa Teurkerst. On Wednesday, after just a hard day, I began reading the first chapter of the book. She talks about God's character and love for us and it came down to this one phrase:

God is good at being God...

I don't know about you, but when I am having a day where I am struggling with waiting and control, reading this simple reminder spoke loads of truth and reassurance to my weary heart. It became my prayer over the next couple of days.

"Lord, please continue to remind me that you are good at being God. You are so much better at being God than I am, so please just remind my heart of that this week." 

Let's just say, it was prayed quite a bit over those next couple of days. 😉

So, back to Friday and the phone call. In our experience with presenting to EMs so far, we have always received an email if it's a no, so when my phone started ringing, I walked into the living room to see who was calling.

I looked at my phone and when I saw who was calling, my heart skipped a beat. Our adoption consultant's name was flashing on my screen. I took a deep breath and answered, "hello?"

We exchanged normal pleasantries, and then she says....

"I am calling to tell you that you are due with a baby boy in March!"

And I just started weeping and laughing and weeping some more. She gave me a few details and told me to hang up and call Spencer, which I did immediately. I'd always envisioned telling him in some special way, but instead, I just called his cell phone a billion times (slight exaggeration) until he answered and said he would call me back in just a minute. So I waited by the phone and when he called back, I'm pretty sure all that I got out before dissolving into tears was "Susan called...". And at that moment, he knew, too.

Now, here we are, waiting again, but with this sweet, amazing end in sight. We wait with the knowledge that we are matched with a woman who is now the bravest woman I will ever know. We wait with excitement that we're going to have a baby boy in a few weeks. We wait with the assurance that God has us on this path to connect with our EM, and we pray that we can be intentional with her in the times that we speak and connect over the next 7 weeks and beyond.

Lastly, we wait with the promise of God's faithfulness and love, and we shout with praise the truth that He is so so good at being God.