Friday, December 9, 2016

Just a little intro...

This is probably the third time in my life that I've decided to blog. Truthfully, I can't even remember what the purpose was for the first two, but here I am..yet again. Spencer and I are in the midst of the adoption process (YAY!), and as we go through the steps, the ups and downs, I've realized that I need an outlet. A place to come and write my feelings. A place to process. This is kind of interesting because I wouldn't consider myself a writer, yet my heart has been longing to write and share. So, I've decided to listen to my heart.

I'm not exactly sure what this blog is going to look like. My main goal is that this blog won't just be a therapeutic process for me. I want it to be a place where people can learn about what we're going through, where we are in our journey, and all of the feelings that come from adoption (and maybe be encouraged to adopt themselves?). Since the beginning of our journey to start our family, I've told Spencer that I don't want not to talk about it. If one person can be comforted by what we're going through, given the courage to step out and share their own struggles, or just learn more about themselves, then it makes all of this worth it.

So here I am, asking God to use me and my words to speak life and truth, to know that it's okay to feel all the feelings, and to guide us as we wait for our precious baby.

Psalm 37:4, "Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart."


  1. I am on this journey with you my sweet child. You can do all things with Christ who gives you strength.
    I know these words to be true but I have to tell you as a mom that when I see you hurt, discouraged and longing for your future child... I want to cry out and say, " Can't you hear us?" "Can't you see us?" "Why must this be so painful?" I don't know the answers to these questions, but what I do know is that our God is faithful and HE loves us more than we can ever imagine. He is not doing anything to harm us....HE does give us a hope and a future. I am thankful for our God and for the everlasting gift He has given to us. I love you and Spencer and I can't wait to meet my new grandchild. Oh what a glorious day!! We will find JOY in all things. (Thank you Kelly)

  2. I love you, Kens! I look forward to reading your heart, as you wait for this precious child. I love you and Spencer with my whole heart. I can't wait to snuggle my niece or nephew very soon. Proud of you and the grace you demonstrate daily!
