Saturday, December 10, 2016

Why Adoption?

It's a pretty common occurrence to get asked "why adoption?".

Well, let me tell you why. 

We have been on this journey to become parents for almost a year and a half now, and while that is just a blimp on the radar in the grand scheme of things, when you are walking through it, it feels like an eternity. If you had told me this time last year, that we still wouldn't have a baby, I probably would've sobbed. HA! But if you had told me this time last year that Spencer and I would be in the process of adopting, that wouldn't have surprised me at all. (funny how God works right?) We have both known from our dating days that adoption would always be a part of our story. It's a step that we were comfortable with and knew that God had in store for us one day. 

Fast forward to July of this year, and we decided to say "yes" to adopting now. And after some hard months, that was truly one of the most beautiful times that we have ever said "yes". I look back and think about how gently He took our hands and led us to this place. From then on, every step has just felt right. Thankfully, due to some dear friends that have recently adopted, we had some guidance as to what directions we could go, and after some prayer and discussion, we hired the most amazing adoption consultant. She is our go-to lady. She directed us on first steps, what home study agencies to use in our area, what agencies we could apply to once we were home study approved. She is amazing! Not only does she guide us, but she prays for us and wants us to have a baby in our arms as much as we do. It's truly been a gift to have her to go to with questions, concerns, etc. God provided an amazing supporter through her! 

Now, we are home study approved. This means that the state of OK has deemed our home suitable for  children, and we are just waiting for the day that God says, "here you go!"

Since we have started this process, I've read some great books that talk about the biblical aspects of adoption, and it has been amazing to realize, yet again, how much God loves us. He calls us His sons and daughters and accepts us as His own. It's a truly beautiful picture. 

Adoption is a risk, it's a step of faith, it's a redemption story, it's a picture of the Gospel. It can be hard, but it can be so rewarding. And we are anxious for the day that God completes this chapter.

Ephesians 1:5, "God destined us for adoption as His children through Jesus Christ according to the good pleasure of His will."


  1. You are amazing!! A child (or a few ��) is going to be so lucky to have you as a parent!

  2. You are so sweet Morgan! Thank you!

  3. Sweet story of the faith you both have and how God weaves hope & love in the midst of heart break. Praying for your hearts as you wait for the yes of your forever child.
